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Terms and conditions


The Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use for this Truck Assist website govern your conduct when accessing, using or browsing of the Truck Assist website. You agree that by accessing and using this website you accept all risk and agree to this Website’s Terms of Use for each of the Truck Assist Club, Truck Insurance, Roadside Services and other services provided, and all applicable laws. The Website’s Terms and Conditions as well as the Terms of Use may be amended or updated at any time by posting any changes at this Website for Truck Assist Club, Truck Insurance, Roadside Services and other services. We may make changes to the Website Terms and Conditions, and its Terms of Use without providing notice to you.

Copyright Trade Marks

This Website and all material provided on this Website are owned or licensed by NTI Limited (“NTI”) as owner of Truck Assist. The presentation of this Website including but not limited to all graphical elements, audio effects, visual features, colour combinations and layout is owned by NTI. Except where necessary for viewing the material on this Website on your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (as amended) or other applicable laws or these Terms and Conditions of Use, nothing on this Website may be reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed or transmitted in any form by any process without the prior written consent of NTI.

Various trade marks or other intellectual property displayed on this Website are owned or licenced by NTI Limited. Other services, products, insurance products, and entities mentioned on this Website may be the trade marks or intellectual property of other persons or entities reproduced on this Website by permission of the owners to NTI and Truck Assist.

These trade marks must not be used or reproduced by you or another party without the written permission of the relevant owners. In the event that you believe you are the owner of any work and if that work is displayed on this Website without your knowledge or permission, we ask you to contact Truck Assist through our ‘Contact’ link and we will investigate your enquiry.


The Truck Assist Website and its Submissions which make up the content of this site are provided to you in good faith by Truck Assist. To the best of our knowledge, the information included is accurate and current at the time of publication. NTI Limited, Truck Assist and its related bodies corporate, and their directors, officers, employees, or agents (Associates) make no representations or warranties of any kind (express or implied) as to the operation of this Website or the Submissions, information, content, materials or products, insurance products included on this Website, except as otherwise provided, and then only to the minimum extent required, under any applicable laws.

Website Access

The Terms and Conditions provide and Terms of Use when accessing this Website or any Submissions forming part of the content of the Website must be adhered to and must not be in any way unlawful or in any manner which violates any rights of NTI Limited or Truck Assist or an Associate or any owner of trade marks or intellectual property rights.

As required and from time to time Truck Assist may make any changes or updates to this Website. During these times access to this Website may be restricted.

End Users

If you are a visitor to the Truck Assist website or use a mobile device ‘apps’ you will need to read this section in conjunction with Truck Assist’s privacy statement which provides further details regarding the processing of your personal data when using the Truck Assist website, mobile ‘apps’ or other related devices and links to our site.

Truck Assist’s goal is to provide its users/customers with a better experience and service as well as assist them in diagnosing technical problems and analysing our users trends.  Through Truck Assist’s services in this way, the functionality of the Truck Assist enabled sites and accesses can be improved by providing a more user-friendly, more valuable, and ease of use for the end users. 

Limitation of Liability

NTI Limited’s Truck Assist will not exclude any rights and remedies available to you in terms of the Australian Consumer Law or any of the requisite State or Territory legislation in relation to the provision of any insurance product, goods or services by Truck Assist through this Website. To the extent permitted by law, Truck Assist’s liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition which cannot be excluded is restricted, at Truck Assist’s option, to the following but not limited to:

  • in the case of insurance products, goods and services offered or supplied by Truck Assist:
  • where there is a re-supply of those goods and services;
  • where there is a renewal or endorsement or cancellation of any insurance product;
  • the payment of the cost of having those services re-supplied;
  • the payment of any renewal or endorsement or cancellation of any insurance product provided;
  • the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods;
  • where there is a need for repair of the goods;
  • the payment of the cost of having the goods replaced or repaired.

You agree we will not be liable to you in any circumstances for any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential losses or damages or loss of profits of whatever nature including but not limited to:

  • the access or inability to use or access this Website or any material on the Website;
  • unauthorised access to or alterations of your transmissions or data;
  • any statements or conduct of any third party on the Website;
  • any goods or services purchased through this Website.

Email Security

The transmission of information over the internet is not always completely secure or free from errors. You should use discretion when deciding what information you send to Truck Assist using this method of communication.

Truck Assist emails may undergo email filtering and virus scanning, including those emails to and from third party contractors and providers. We do not warrant that such filters and scanning mechanisms will be effective in removing viruses or other potentially harmful code.

Password Security

You may have established a log-in to create an account and password associated with your access to this Website. You are fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, account access and information, for all conduct carried out under this password, account and information. Neither NTI Limited nor Truck Assist is liable for any loss of confidentiality or for any damages arising from your failure to comply with any prescribed security measures. We ask that you contact us immediately if you believe any unauthorised use of your password or account has occurred.

Virus Warning

Truck Assist cannot guarantee that any file or programme that is made available for download through this Website is free from viruses or other conditions which could damage or interfere with any data, hardware or software with which it might be used. You are responsible for and will assume all risk of use for the scanning of any such data for viruses and use of all programmes and files on the Truck Assist Website, and you release NTI and Truck Assist entirely of all responsibility for any consequences of its use.

Use of Cookies and Web Beacons

Cookies are small files stored on a user’s computer and are designed to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website.  Web beacons are used to monitor user behaviour when visiting websites.  The information obtained is intended for Truck Assist to improve existing products and services, insurance products, and offers of  new products and services as well as insurance products to you and our customers.  This method does not contain any personal identifiable information.  You have a choice and can disable cookies on your own web browser.  However, if you disable cookies you may not be able to experience all the features of the Truck Assist website.

Third Party Sites

Truck Assist’s Website may from time to time contain links to third party provider sites when offering goods and services. As these sites are not under the control of NTI and Truck Assist we are not responsible for the condition or Submissions which make up the content of these sites. When you access those sites and/or use the other site’s products and services, and insurance products you will do so solely at your own risk. The links are provided solely for your convenience and do not indicate, expressly or impliedly, an endorsement by Truck Assist as to the other sites or the products or services, and insurance products provided on their site. Truck Assist will only provide linkages to this Website with prior written permission of those third parties.

Should you wish establish a link to this website you must first obtain our prior written consent and approval. Please use the “Contact Us” link at the bottom of the website and provide the following information:

  • the URL of the web site that you seek to establish a link from;
  • the reason that you wish to establish a link; and
  • a brief description of your web site business.

When we agree to your request for a link, you must comply with any terms and conditions we may impose as a condition of such agreement.  If the nature and/or Submissions and content of your website changes in any significant way, you must contact us via email before you change your website seeking our approval to the new information to maintain your link to the website.


The information contained on this Website is for general information purposes only. You must not rely on any statement contained in this web site without seeking specialist advice. While we endeavour to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information contained on this Website, we make no warranties and accept no responsibility for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result or your reliance on any part of it. In particular, we make no representations or warranties and exclude all liability:

  • in relation to any of the material of this web site (including any as to the quality, accuracy and completeness for any particular purpose of such material);
  • in relation to any material of any other web site referred to or accessed by a hyperlink through this web site. We do not endorse or approve the material of any other third party site, nor will we have any liability in connection with any of third party websites should it arise; or
  • that this web site or any of its material is virus free. You are required to undertake your own precautions in this respect and we accept no responsibility for any harmful code that may be introduced into your system by using this web site.

On-Line Applications for Products and Services

All applications for Truck Assist services, or other goods and services, including insurance products through this web site must comply with our approval criteria. These applications are governed by the normal terms and conditions as well as terms of use applying to each product or service or insurance products requested through this website. 

The Truck Assist services offered are solely to assist you to purchase or decide to purchase the product, service or insurance product from us.

You agree not to compile, repackage or disseminate Truck Assist services for commercial purposes any information provided without our prior written consent. We reserve the right to terminate your access to these services in our sole discretion, including for submitting excessive requests for these services.

This Website may make available various tools, calculation devices, software programmes or other features which may assist you in calculating the optimal service to suit you as well as tips, helpful hints or other information.

Truck Assist has taken reasonable steps to ensure that any such features or information is accurate and free from defect, to the extent permitted by law, which law cannot be excluded, we do not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, correctness or completeness of these features, tools, calculation devices or calculators.

You will indemnify us if we suffer any loss or damage or incur any costs in connection with Your breach of these Terms or any other legal obligation by you or your use, misuse of or conduct on the Website.

Spam and Viruses

In the case of the publication of electronic addresses on this Website is for the purposes of professional communication only.  This does not infer consent to the receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic messages or viruses. The sending of unsolicited commercial electronic messages to Truck Assist or the infection of a virus in Truck Assist’s systems by accessing this Website is regarded by us as abuse of access and use of the email facilities interfering with the rights and ability of Truck Assist to carry out its delivery of products and services, and insurance products free from such abuse, interference and harassment. Truck Assist reserves its right to take any action it deems necessary which may include legal action or for the purposes of meeting any prescribed legislation or regulation, as well as law enforcement agencies.

Applicable Law

The Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use of this website are governed by the laws in force in the state of Queensland, Australia. In relation to your use or access to this Truck Assist website, you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland, Australia and any Courts which may hear appeals from those Courts. This Website is accessible from Australia.

Neither NTI nor Truck Assist makes representations that the content of this website complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside of Australia. If you access this Website from outside of Australia, you do so at your own risk and take responsibility for ensuring you comply with the laws of the place where you access the Truck Assist website. By accessing, browsing, using, registering or contributing to this Truck Assist website and any other area of this website where you can email,  blog or post submissions or reviews or ask questions you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to these terms of Use in its entirety. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions and any of the Terms of Use in their entirety, you must not use or access this Website.

Ownership of Submissions

Other than personal data which is subject to our Privacy Policy Statement any Submission includes but not limited to disclosure, comments, blogs, feedback, suggestions, questions, ideas, artwork, images, content, product or marketing ideas and any other submissions disclosed, submitted or offered to Truck Assist on or through the Website or otherwise disclosed, submitted or offered by you as a Submission shall become and remain the property of NTI’s Truck Assist once you have submitted it. You must comply with the standards and guidelines for Submissions and content as set out in the Terms of Use. You warrant that you own or have the right to use any Submissions provided to us and your Submissions will comply with these standards and guidelines.

Social Networking Sites

These Terms of Use also govern any Submissions you make on any Truck Assist related third party site or page including but not limited to our LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other related social networking site. All comments, images, videos and any other type of material posted on any third party social networking sites do not necessarily reflect the opinions or ideas of Truck Assist or its associated entities or providers. Truck Assist and its associated entities or providers are not responsible for any content on these third party sites. In any circumstance or event, all material posted on any third party social networking sites must comply with these terms and conditions and any of the third party’s social networking sites terms of use, as and where applicable.

Intellectual Property Rights

Any Submission or offer of any Submission and your agreement to the Truck Assist website Terms and Conditions and any Terms of Use on this website, shall constitute an assignment to Truck Assist of any intellectual property rights. Whenever you make use of a feature that allows you to upload material to our Website, including questions, or to make contact with other users of our Website or to make Submissions on any third party site or page, you must comply with the Submissions standards and guidelines set out here and these terms. Any third-party advertising on this Truck Assist’s website or on its third party’s social networking sites are not endorsed by or the responsibility of Truck Assist.  All rights, including copyright on the Truck Assist website and its pages are owned by NTI and licensed to Truck Assist. Any use of any Truck Assist social networking pages or their Submissions and contents, including copying or storing them in whole or in part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without the written permission of NTI and Truck Assist. All worldwide rights reserved.


Any Truck Assist Club Submission material that you upload to this website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and therefore we have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any material in the Submissions for any purpose. NTI and Truck Assist also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you to this website or any third party social networking site constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy. We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the Submission or accuracy of any material posted by you or any other user of the Truck Assist Club Website. We have the right to remove any Submission you make on this Website if, in our opinion, the Submission does not comply with the content standards and guidelines set out on this website.

Blogging and Commenting

Truck Assist welcomes Blogs and Comments either in the form of Submissions or otherwise. The Submissions delivered through blogs and any content comments do not reflect the views of NTI or Truck Assist and its board of directors, management, employees or members. 

All Submissions and content provided on any blog on the Truck Assist website is for informational purposes only. Neither NTI, Truck Assist, or its associated entities or providers make representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website or identified by following any link on this website. Truck Assist will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability or any Submissions such information. Truck Assist will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information by a user of this website. These terms and conditions of use are subject to change at any time and without notice.  There may be some circumstances where comments will be edited or deleted and will include but not limited to:

  • any comments deemed to be spam or questionable spam will be deleted (including a link to relevant content is permitted, but comments should be relevant to the post topic)
  • any comments or references including any profanity will be deleted
  • any comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive, unjust or prejudicial treatment of categories of people  will be deleted
  • Comments that attack a person individually will be deleted. 

Truck Assist reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice. This is subject to change at any time without prior warning.

To reproduce a post, or any part of any Submission, or if you need assistance in sharing our Submissions and content, please do so by using the “Contact Us” link on this website.

On-Line Payment Services

Truck Assist will provide payments processor services to its customers for the purposes of You paying for memberships, purchasing of products, services and insurance products.  We may need to collect personal information about you, and from other organisations, who jointly with us, provide these product, services and insurance products to you.

The circumstances in which Truck Assist will collect personal information and other information about you, includes when You:

  • contact us,
  • register as a member of Club;
  • purchase products and services and insurance products;
  • provide information for transactions and balance enquiries;
  • need to change your information;
  • make a claim on any of your products, services and insurance products;
  • make a general complaint or privacy complaint;
  • receive surveys or subscribed preferences materials; and
  • receive any other materials associated with products, services and insurance products from us.

Truck Assist is committed to protecting your privacy and we maintain robust physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information in our care.  Our Privacy Statement governs data collection, usage and disclosure.  We are bound and will protect your personal information in accordance with all relevant legislation.  When your personal information is shared with service providers or contractors, it will only be to the extent reasonably necessary for the purpose of the services they are contracted to provide.  When collecting, using and disclosing information on your transactions Truck Assist is required to meet all necessary legislation and regulations.  To make sure we follow your instructions correctly and to improve our service to you through training of our staff we may monitor or record telephone calls.

Truck Assist may disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • who are service providers, contractors or sponsors of Truck Assist
  • to facilitate the operation of your membership, purchases and the completion and settlement of transactions using your personal details;
  • for anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism financing, detection of crime, legal, compliance and fraud prevention purposes; and
  • when required or allowed by law.

Choose how You received important documents

You can choose to receive important Insurance, Club Membership, Roadside documents by either post or by email.  Important documents including, but not limited to the following:

  • Quotes
  • Certificate of Insurance
  • Renewal Letters

Google Translator:

Google Translator relies on data and technology to provide its translations and this feature is provided for informational purposes only.  We cannot guarantee translations as exact or without the inclusion of incorrect or inappropriate language.  As such we does not guarantee or claim responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or performance of the service not the limitations, such as the inability to translate specific files like images or PDF files.

We have added a widget to our website should you require simple translation.

Go to and sign in to your Google account when you are prompted to. 

  1. Click on the "Add to your website now" button on the right-hand side.
  2. On the next page, you will be required to complete two parts.

General and Privacy Complaints:

General Complaints:

The law applicable to Truck Assist Website for Truck Assist Club, Truck Insurance and Roadside services and other services, and any complaints related to Truck Assist is the law of the State of Queensland Australia. By using Truck Assist website, you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Queensland, Australia which may hear appeals from those Courts unless a Court of Law advises otherwise.

Breach of Privacy and Privacy Complaints:

In the event NTI through Truck Assist and its related business and sites becomes aware of a privacy breach relating to the personal information it has been provided it will:

  • follow its established policy, procedure and guidelines to resolve the matter, and where applicable advise the individual and general public of the privacy issue.
  • Where you have a complaint about your personal information or you believe there is a breach of privacy we ask that you contact us by phoning (07) 3292 9800 or write to us at NTI Limited, PO Box 13550, George Street QLD 4003, or email: of your concerns

At NTI, we have an internal dispute resolution process to address such issues.  The Office of Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC”) suggests you allow 30 days for NTI to respond to your privacy complaint, and then you may contact the OAIC with your complaint. If you are not satisfied with our decision you can direct your complaint to the OAIC in 1 of 4 ways:

  • The OAIC online “Privacy Complaint Form” at
  • By mail (if you have concerns about postal security, you may wish to consider sending your complaint by registered mail); By fax (02) 9284 9666. By email: (Note: email that is not encrypted can be copied or tracked).
  • The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001. 
  • Phone: 1300 363 992. If calling from outside of Australia call (02) 9284 9749.  If any part of these terms is found to be void, unenforceable or invalid, then it is severed, leaving the remainder in full force and effect, provided that the severance has not altered the basic nature of these terms. 

Website Legal as at 06.09.2018